Enoteca Rocca
Piazza Umberto Primo 20
12065 Monforte d’Alba, Cuneo (IT)
Telefono: +39 0173 787156 / +39 338 60 35 231
Email: info@appartamentirocca.it / enoteca.rocca@gmail.com
La Casa di Rosa
Via Garibaldi, 18
12065 Monforte d’Alba, Cuneo (IT)
Telefono: +39 0173 787156 / +39 338 60 35 231
Email: info@appartamentirocca.it / enoteca.rocca@gmail.com
Connections and distances
From Monforte, you’ll be able to reach both Torino and Savona in one hour as well as going to the area of Asti or the Alpine valleys near Cuneo, for a mountain walk, in one hour and a half.
In 45 minutes you can reach the airport of Cuneo-Levaldigi (Km 38), in a little more than an hour you can arrive at the one of Torino-Caselle (Km 91) and in 2 hours and a half you’ll be at the one of Milano Malpensa (Km 210).